Healthy Homes Inspections - Find a Building Inspector Near Me

If you're considering getting a Healthy Homes Inspection, you're not alone. Studies show that 70% of the American population spends time in their home, with only 20% of that time spent in school. Thus, the condition of your home can greatly affect your overall health. Roof damage is a common problem that causes a variety of illnesses, including respiratory illnesses, lead poisoning, and even cancer. Fortunately, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Centers for Disease Control developed Healthy Homes Inspector Certification as a response to increasing public awareness of substandard housing conditions.

A Healthy Homes inspection identifies and addresses problems that can cause health risks in the home. The professionals using state-of-the-art testing equipment use current information provided by the Environmental Protection Agency to evaluate the condition of the house. These problems include the presence of trapped vapors, chemicals, and mold. Using a Healthy Homes inspection will ensure that your home is safe for your tenants and will save you money on maintenance costs in the future.

A Healthy Homes Assessment will help you determine the value of your home. An inspector can identify any problems in the home, even those that might seem minor. A string of small problems can send a negative message to prospective buyers. While you're not required to fix every problem that the inspector finds, a healthy homes inspection can provide you with the information you need to sell your home. Your inspector will give you a report with recommendations for addressing those issues.

If you're planning to rent a property, you should consider getting a Healthy Homes Inspection as soon as possible. This is because you'll be held non-compliant after 90 days. If you're not sure how to go about getting a Healthy Homes Inspection, you can read more about the five Healthy Homes Standards and find a property management company that can assist you with the process. For further information, contact us today! You'll be glad you did!

If you're renting out your property to tenants, getting a Healthy Homes Inspection is crucial for your health and safety. Your tenants will appreciate the inspection, and you'll have peace of mind knowing your property meets the standards. A qualified inspector will provide a full audit report on the property, outlining what you should do to fix any problems. A Healthy Homes Inspection is affordable and usually takes less than two hours to complete. So, even if your property isn't a perfect match for your tenants, a Healthy Homes Inspection is worth the money.

The Healthy Homes program is a comprehensive assessment process that looks at the health and energy status of your home. The inspection is followed by an education process. An experienced certified Coalition Assessment Technician will evaluate your home and formulate an action plan that addresses any problems identified during the inspection. The NVL Labs inspectors will be available to answer any questions you have after the report is delivered. The report will be presented in a convenient format, with the most relevant data displayed at the top.

In addition to ensuring the health of residents in your home, a Healthy Homes Inspection can also help you avoid health hazards that can worsen asthma or allergies. Additionally, mold, moisture, and roaches are airborne allergens. These problems can wreak havoc on your health. Unfortunately, many home inspectors aren't trained to check for all of these health risks. However, a new government partnership aims to change that. If you're thinking about purchasing a new home, why not consider a Healthy Homes Inspection?

A Healthy Homes inspection also examines heating systems. A healthy home must have adequate heating and cooling for an optimal temperature of 18 degrees celsius. Homes that are below the recommended temperature may be fined for non-compliance. Whether you're renting an apartment or a house, an inspector can help you find the perfect place to live. So, go get a Healthy Homes Inspection today. It's well worth your time.



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